2.In this picture it is more clear what I meant to say. As you can see I placed racket image in diffuse map slot and then assigned this material to plane object.
3. Create basic object like that will present top part of a racket.
4.Apply Edit Mesh modifier to it. With selected Edge option select out edges of object and then hold
Shift and drag. Try to have something like this.
5. The right part of racket in this picture is basically result of step 4 that is repeated several times ( 8 times to be precise). Whit selected one half click on Mirror button on main toolbar and chose Instance option.
6. Select polygons that are marked, hold shift and drag down a little bit and chose Clone to Element. After that select vertex and replace them to follow shape of a racket.
7. Repeat step 6 one more time and this is something I hope you get.
8. Select vertex of these three parts and close them up to each other. After that select all vertex that are blended together, you should have 12 of them, and then Click Weld button under the Edit Geometry properties.
9. In this step use method: select edge and hold Shift and drag and weld vertex wherever they blend. Here is a result.
10. Again, select edge + Shift + drag, but this time don’t weld vertex that blend. Here is a result.
11. Select these polygons and go to Edit Geometry and chose Slice Plane option. Rotate it like shown and click Slice.
12. After all this is done select one half and delete it. Again mirror the half that is left but this time chose Copy option and attach these two objects. Again, weld vertex that blend. Apply Turbo Smooth modifier.
13. To create handle draw cylinder like this and set sides to 6.
15. Right click on line and go to Convert to Edit Spline. After that select segment under the little plus in modifier list and select line object. Go to Geometry and type 18 in Divide slot, and click Divide. Place vertex to fit the wire of a racket.
16. Go to Tools and chose Array option. Window will show up. Under the Type of Object chose Copy. Under the Array Dimensions chose 1D and type 15. Click Preview and set x parameter to fit your scene.
17. Create one horizontal wire line and set Divide to 15. Repeat step 16, but this time type 18 right to 1D option.
18. This part is tricky and is hard to explain. Attach all horizontal line to one object and all vertical to one, then select vertex and try to place them like this.
19. Create little tube like this for net holder.
20. Copy it several times and place them like this.
21. I hope you recognize this part of racket. Select middle edge in racket profile and go to Edit Geometry and Chamfer it a little bit. Now, as shown select new created polygons and extrude them inside the racket.
22. This is a result you should get
23. Now, create tube object and scale it along Y axis, here is a result.
24. Attach horizontal and vertical wire lines to one object. Go to Compound Objects and chose Boolean option. Pick tube object for OperandB.
25. Create this simple stitch using Shape modeling and copy it several times.
26. Finally, this is a completed tennis racket
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